Pakistan's Educational Emergency 

  • 21% of school-aged children in Pakistan /do not receive an education, a right guaranteed in the country’s constitution.

  • 57% of grade 5 children cannot read sentences or do two‐digit

  • Over half of all women in Pakistan are illiterate, in rural areas this increases to two-thirds of women.

  • Funding for schools has decreased 40% from 2.5% of GDP in 2005 to 1.5% just six years later, less than the annual subsidy given to the national airline.

  • Pakistan is the country with the third highest number of illiterate adults in the world.

  • There are 26 countries poorer than Pakistan that manage to educate more children in schools.



Why Education? 

  • In Pakistan the wages of a literate person are 23% higher than those of an illiterate person.

  • Education holds the power to help people escape poverty, even in the face of adversity.

  • In a rural district in Sindh, where poverty increased over a 17-year period due to drought and water shortages, the heads of households who remained poor throughout had both the lowest initial level of education (by 1 year, on average) and the lowest increase over the period (less than 1 year). By contrast, the heads of households that escaped poverty had a higher initial level of education (1.8 years) as well as the highest increase over the period (by 2 years)

  • Working women with good literacy skills earned 95% more than women with weak literacy skills.

  • Education allows women to have a greater influence on family size.

  • In Pakistan, only 30% of women with no education believe they have a say over how many children they have, compared with 52% of women with primary education and 63% of those with lower secondary education.

  • If Pakistan were to have inequality in access to education, it would increase its economic growth by 1.7 percentage points.